Perth City Farm provides information and education to the Perth community about the protection and regeneration of the natural environment. They educate people on how they can live within the means of Planet Earth, by adopting low emission, low waste, sustainable lifestyles. The team from Perth City Farm are excited to be part of this year’s Perth Garden Show and will set up a vegie garden to demonstrate how easy it can be to grow your own produce. They will be running a schedule of presentations on permaculture, as well as kid’s activities that they can get involved in. See below for daily schedules.
Fri 2. May
10-10:30am – How Permaculture can help us design better gardens
11-11:30am – Choosing the right plant for the right place – a permaculture perspective
12-12:30pm – How Permaculture can help us design better gardens
1-1:30pm – Choosing the right plant for the right place – a permaculture perspective
Sat 3. May
10-10:30am – Kids Activity: “Plant a small garden”
11-11:30am – Kids Activity: “Plant a small garden”
12-12:30pm – Kids Activity: “Plant a small garden”
1-1:30pm – Kids Activity: “Plant a small garden”
Each child gets to plant out an ice cream container with some seedlings and seeds. Please note: Parents need to stay with their children during the sessions.
Sun 4. May
10-10:30am – How Permaculture can help us design better gardens
11-11:30am – Choosing the right plant for the right place – a permaculture perspective
12-12:30pm – How Permaculture can help us design better gardens
1-1:30pm – Choosing the right plant for the right place – a permaculture perspective
2-2:30pm – Q&A Ask a Permaculturist